Village Voice: 8 Million Protagonists
Case Study
The Off-Broadway play, '8 Million Protagonists,' brought real stories from the streets of New York to life on stage.
Honors and Awards: One Show: Best Of Show 2013, Clio: Gold 2013, Cannes: Integrated/Direct Silver 2013
Credit: Editor/Producer/AC
Below are some examples of the 8MP promotional videos and supporting material 
4 Thousand Birds by Sofie Zamchick
This shoot was based off a scene from the 8MP play. The scene was called 'The Median Conductor.' It was about a man dancing on a street median as if he were conducting traffic. The beauty of this scene, both during this shoot and on the stage, made it easily my favorite scene in the entire play.  
Credit: Editor/Associate Producer 
8 Million Protagonists: Supporting Material
Editor/Camera/Associate Producer

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